Our Services

experts in supported employment


employable is a specialist Supported Employment Agency that has served the Nelson economy well for over 25 years.


Support where you need it

Whether you are an employer, job seeker or student; our professional staff are keen to meet your employment needs. Our process is easy for both prospective employers and job seekers.

Hundreds of Satisfied clients

“I liked how I’m able to look at myself in a different light without being self-critical, or nervous at the thought of an interview”

marketing on your behalf

Figures report that approximately 60% of vacancies are not advertised. employable Consultants will approach businesses on your behalf and tap into this 60% of vacancies.

thinking outside the square

Our experienced consultants approach each client in a unique and fresh way meaning employable is always taking new and innovative approaches to supported employment,


employable’s experienced Consultants are here to assist in not only job applications, but also Interview techniques, cold calling and career planning.

connection is key

employable is consistently involved in local provider/networking meetings. This is just one of the many ways we ensure we are up to date with Nelson’s support services.

Our Services

Covering all aspects of
Supported Employment

Job Search

Finding a job in today’s ever changing climate can be a daunting task. employable will work with clients one on one to assist in all aspects of Job Search

unlimited support

Each Employee/Employer will require a different level of support after a successful placement. employable’s support is available on an as needs basis.

role brokerage

For some people, the role that they need is so specific, that a specialized role is needed. employable will source and facilitate such a role where possible.


Give a man a fish / teach a man to fish….
employable runs training seminars and one on one training around employment issues.

job search requires an individualized service 


Each Job Seeker will require a different level of consultancy, as will each Employer. Because of this there is no cookie-cut solution with our consultancy. Some people come to us knowing exactly what they require and what they are looking to achieve. Others are relatively unsure and benefit from the professional experience of our Consultants and their ability to advise, guide and encourage each person in the right direction. Employers and Job Seekers alike can rest assured that the process is ultimately about what they individually need and employable is dedicated to fulfilling these needs.


Post Placement Support

Each Employee will require a different level of support after they have successfully obtained Employment. This support also acts as a safety net in case any issues arise for the Employee or Employer, we can look to have these issues resolved before they escalate. However, we understand that not all placements work out, so it also means that we can look at transitioning into a different role if needed, in a manner that all parties are happy with. This "post placement support" is available to both Employee or Employer for as long as mutually needed and covers all aspects of the employment process from working along side the Employee to wage negotiations as well we on and off site visits.

getting the right role for the right person


employable has successfully brokered hundreds of placements for people throughout the Nelson region. Whether it is an Employer looking for a specific Job Seeker, or a Job Seeker looking for a specific role, we will assist in all matters associated with a healthy Employer - Employee relationship. As brokers for both parties our primary goal is to uphold dignity and confidence, while securing worthwhile employment that benefits all parties concerned.



The job market, and the ways in which people obtain work, are constantly changing. With more emphasis on effective CVs & Cover Letters and the ability to identify skills and strengths; having a dedicated Employment Consultant means Job Seekers do not have to tackle these things alone. employable's experienced Consultants are here to assist in not only job applications, but also Interview techniques, cold calling and career planning. We can also attend job interviews if the Job Seeker wishes.



employable's seminars are created with the years of experience gained by being in the employment industry for so long. They are based around understanding employment processes in order to have the knowledge to seek, interview and secure satisfying employment. These seminars can also be tailored for organisations or large groups to meet the requirements of it's participants.


Trusted by some of Nelson / Tasman's most iconic employers

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Free & Paid SERVICES

Pricing That Works For You

We have all aspects of Supported Employment covered for Clients that are managing a disability. For able-bodied people we offer a range of employment related services at affordable prices.